We like to congratulate Salesforce on a huge milestone of 3 Millions Apps downloads on AppExchange. As one of the ISV partners and app vendors we celebrate 3 million installs (#3MillionInstalls) this week with Salesforce and AppExchange.
It’s been a thrilling ride for us to be part of AppExchange platform. We all know how Apple revolutionized the apps market by introducing AppStore for B2C apps. Similarly, Salesforce has pioneered the B2B app marketplace in the cloud for enterprise apps. Salesforce AppExchange is the B2B app marketplace in the cloud and a cloud platform of choice for Enterprise developers to create and grow profitable businesses in B2B space.
Salesforce has done a great job at creating a marketplace for enterprise app developers and an ecosystem of app distribution to businesses. The AppExchange has had significant impact in this space and on Webider as well. It has helped a small business like Webider to bootstrap in the enterprise app development and successfully launch two apps on this platform i.e. My Favorites and Travel Management.
How The AppExchange has helped us Bootstrap?
Webider launched its first app i.e. ‘My Favorites’ – bookmark app for Salesforce on October 2013 as their first app on the AppExchange platform. Since then AppExchange has been critical to the success of the My Favorites App.
What is My Favorites App?
My Favorites is a simple and 100% force.com native app that let a user create and save UNLIMITED custom bookmarks within Salesforce. In addition, a user can create/save/access all bookmarks via Salesforce1 mobile app. My Favorites appears as a new Home Page Component in the left navigation of browser desktop window. This productivity app is bundled with many great features to help save time and clicks to all various users like admin, developer, and users on the road. Some of the features are highlighted below:
Benefits of AppExchange
The most important step to put your app on AppExchange was to create a listing and go through the security review. With the minimal initial investment we were able develop our app on Salesforce Cloud platform, go through security review, and list our app on AppExchange. Salesforce monthly newsletter highlights the new and noteworthy apps that provide the visibility of your new app to thousands of companies. Thus, without any sales and marketing we got our first larger customers with 100+ user licenses within first month of our launch. This customer is also the largest Salesforce SI partner in Canada. My Favorites app helped the customer with significant productivity gains and adoption within two weeks that within two weeks the customer requested additional 20 licenses.
Your AppExchange listing provides you many benefits; some of them are highlighted below:
- Test Drive
- Embedded Video Demos
- Up to 8 screenshots
- App Reviews
- Detailed page to share related artifacts
- Trialforce
- Reports on listing activity up to 180 days
- No. Of Installs
- No. Of Leads
- Web Analytics i.e. Page Views, SEO Searches, Visits, Unique Visitors, Internal Searches
- Statistics on Demos/Test Drives/Screen shots
How do AppExchange and My Favorites Help our customers
AppExchange has proven to be the best platform for Enterprise cloud applications distribution. If customer finds a gap in Salesforce.com CRM, it’s very likely to have a solution available on AppExchange by one of the partners. My Favorites and Travel Management apps by Webider have solved business problems for many customers via this platform as well. Here are few reviews from our customers.
Kristen Strater – Very Useful
– Makes it extremely easy to have bookmarks right inside of Salesforce. Great for when you are on the road or switching computers often. Users love it.
Paul Selway – Great Productivity Tool
– I save hundreds of Salesforce clicks per day. My Favorites is the productivity tool for power users and a simplification tool for everyone else.
Eric Wu – Brilliant solution for both adoption and productivity
– I’ve been using this app for a couple of months and it’s on my list of “must haves” for every Salesforce user.
You can view our My Favorites app listing here:
You can view our Travel Management app listing here:
– See more at: https://webider.com
If you have not tried one of our apps, feel free to click the link about and get a FREE trial. The Salesforce AppExchange has allowed us to showcase our best apps and we are proud to continue building on this platform and offer more business solutions.
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