Spring’19 Release Notes – Activity Lightning Components (myTasks & myEvents) for Salesforce

Spring’19 release of your favorite myTasks and myEvents (Activities) Lightning Components by Webider for Salesforce is scheduled to begin on April 13th, 2019.  With this Spring’19 release, you will see the following new enhancements and component properties to the Tasks and Events Lightning Components:

  • Show your choice of two additional fields in the list (new component Properties) 
  • Additional Filters added in myTasks component such as ‘Upcoming Tasks‘. Total available Tasks filters are now 18. 
  • Additional Filters added in myEvents component such as ‘Previous Week‘. Total available Events filters are now 14. 
  • Performance Improvement and a bug fix for communities 
  • Performance enhancements overall  

Pro Version Only Features

  • Select your choice of a filter as a default filter for picklist (Pro Only Feature)
  • Lock the filter picklist so that user can’t change the filter (Pro Only Feature) 
  • Hide New Button – You can select the component property to hide New Button for Tasks or Events (Pro Only Feature)
  • Select your choice of filters to show on Blue Action Filter Boxes (Pro Only Feature) 
  • Hid grey out under-development features via component properties (Pro Only Feature) 

New Feature Highlight!

Choose How to Display Lightning Component

With this upgrade, you can change the layout for the lightning components with Point & Click component configurations. You may display Blue Filter Box or Not, Show any details or just simple list, Lock the picklist, Select the default for Filter Boxes. The following shows the different layout for both components. 

i.e. One Component Different Layout based on your business requirements

myTask Component New Component Properties:

Existing PropertiesSpring’19 New Properties
  • Header Label: A Custom label for a component
  • Sort by: Define the sort order for the list based on any column
  • Sort Type: Define ascending or descending order on the sort by the selected field
  • Tasks per Page: Define how many tasks to show in the component list – now a picklist
  • Show Comments: Define either don’t show comments in the list or show one-line truncated or show full comments.
  • Hide Related: Hide the links to related objects to the tasks
  • Hide Label: Hide the top component label
  • Hide Filter Boxes: Hide Blue Filter boxes for quick actions
  • Hide Status: Hide the Status of a task
  • Hide Priority: Hide the Priority Status for tasks
  • Show Priority Flag: Show the Priority Flag at the end of the task subject
  • Restrict to Host Record: Restricts the list of tasks to the related object where the component is placed e.g. Account page will only show tasks related to the account being viewed
  • Show Null First: Shows tasks with no due date first in the list
  • Additional Field 1: Select any additional field 1 to display in the list
  • Additional Field 2: Select any additional field 2 to display in the list
  • Select Default Filter View (Pro): This allows you to change the default picklist filter to one of your choices
  • Lock Filter Picklist (Pro): This allows you to lock the filter picklist so that a user can’t change filter picklist value
  • Hide New Button (Pro): Allows you to Hide “New” action button
  • 1st Filter Box View (Pro): Allows you to change the default Filter that appears on Filter Box 1 (Default = All Overdue).
  • 2nd Filter Box View (Pro): Allows you to change the default Filter that appears on Filter Box 2 (Default = Today)
  • 3rd Filter Box View (Pro): Allows you to change the default Filter that appears on Filter Box 3 (Default = This Month)
  • 4th Filter Box View (Pro): Allows you to change the default Filter that appears on Filter Box 4 (Default = All Open)
  • Hide Future Features (Pro): Allow to you hide the under-development features icon from the component action bar and inline action menu

Free Vs Pro Version Comparison

myEvent Component Properties Definition:

Existing PropertiesSpring’19 New Properties
  • Header Label: A Custom label for a component
  • Sort by: Define the sort order for the list based on any column
  • Sort Type: Define ascending or descending order on the sort by the selected field
  • Events per Page: Define how many tasks to show in the component list – now a picklist
  • Hide Related: Hide the links to related objects to the events
  • Hide Label: Hide the top component label
  • Hide Filter Boxes: Hide Blue Filter boxes for quick actions
  • Restrict to Host Record: Restricts the list of events to the related object where the component is placed e.g. Account page will only show events related to the account being viewed
  • Hide Location: Hides the location of the events from the list  
  • Additional Field 1: Select any additional field 1 to display in the list
  • Additional Field 2: Select any additional field 2 to display in the list
  • Select Default Filter View (Pro): This allows you to change the default picklist filter to one of your choices
  • Lock Filter Picklist (Pro): This allows you to lock the filter picklist so that a user can’t change filter picklist value
  • Hide New Button (Pro): Allows you to Hide “New” action button
  • 1st Filter Box View (Pro): Allows you to change the default Filter that appears on Filter Box 1 (Default = Today).
  • 2nd Filter Box View (Pro): Allows you to change the default Filter that appears on Filter Box 2 (Default = This Week)
  • 3rd Filter Box View (Pro): Allows you to change the default Filter that appears on Filter Box 3 (Default = This Month)
  • 4th Filter Box View (Pro): Allows you to change the default Filter that appears on Filter Box 4 (Default = Upcoming)
  • Hide Future Features (Pro): Allow to you hide the under-development features icon from the component action bar and inline action menu

Free Vs Pro Version Comparison

Please reach out to us via email [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.

Don’t forget to Install or Update to the latest release for FREE i.e Salesforce AppExchange

Request a Free Trial / Upgrade to Pro Version

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